Avgust v Digitalnem središču Slovenije
Avgust v Digitalnem središču Slovenije
Avgust v Digitalnem središču Slovenije

In the month of sustainable society and economy about start-up opportunities and sustainable tourism

The Slovenian Digital Center – Technology for the People will be marked by sustainable society and economy in August.

The main economic event of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which enables companies to present their innovative and technologically advanced solutions, products and/or services, will be dedicated to innovative start-ups, tourism, circular economy, e-inclusion, lifelong learning, food production and agriculture. The month will end with the topic of e-health.

Numerous events, which are being prepared in the Slovenian Digital Center – Technology for the People for our visitors, are also related to the aforementioned topics. In cooperation with the social enterprise Simbioza, the elderly will be introduced to the iHELP application, followed by a series of events for start-ups, where we will discover the role of media in the start-up ecosystem, get to know the experiences with the expansion into foreign markets, dedicate ourselves to the new hybrid reality of work and support the start-ups’ experience with examples of good practices.

Gravitacija LIVE! will touch upon precise, advanced, smart and automated solutions in agriculture, while the last week of August will be mainly marked by the future of tourism, as the Slovenian Digital Center – Technology for the People will host an international conference on sustainable tourism, society 5.0 and future technologies Futourism 5.0. The largest experts in the field of smart tourism, 5.0 and future technology from Slovenia and the European Union will participate in various panels, workshops and round tables. The Month of Sustainable Society and Economy concludes with the Days of eHealth, which will be primarily intended for the exchange of experiences and good practices in the field.

Need an additional reason to visit? Meet the premium sponsor in August – the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, and a public agency SPIRIT Slovenia, with the presentation of Slovenia at the international exhibition Expo Dubai 2021. Premium sponsor of the month invites you to the interactive map Green.Creative.Smart, where you can take a walk among the companies – our brand ambassadors, with which our country presents itself as green, sustainable and innovative.

Check out the programme, find interesting events and visit us.

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