Med predsedovanjem Slovenije Svetu Evropske unije se predstavite v Digitalnem središču Slovenije - Tehnologija za ljudi
Med predsedovanjem Slovenije Svetu Evropske unije se predstavite v Digitalnem središču Slovenije - Tehnologija za ljudi
Med predsedovanjem Slovenije Svetu Evropske unije se predstavite v Digitalnem središču Slovenije - Tehnologija za ljudi

Present yourself at the Slovenian Digital Center – Technology for people during the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Digitalization, artificial intelligence, robotics, society 5.0, cybersecurity, HPC, innovative technologies, innovations, mobility, energetics, smart cities and communities, sustainable society and economy are only some of the thematic fields that will be presented at the SLOVENIAN DIGITAL CENTER – Technology for people, during the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union from 1 July to the end of December 2021 in the BTC City Ljubljana.

We, the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, SPIRIT Slovenia, public agency, Digital Innovation Hub Slovenia (DIH Slovenije) and the BTC Company, wish to bring technology closer to individuals, companies, public institutions and other organizations and therefore the SLOVENIAN DIGITAL CENTER – Technology for people will offer a handful of opportunities for cooperation.

The advantages of cooperation at the Digital Center for companies are:

  • Integration into international environment,
  • Introduction to foreign economic and political delegations,
  • Presentation during the thematic fields (six monthly thematic fields),
  • Participation in matchmaking events,
  • Participation in debates about policy-formulation,
  • Participation and attendance in other events,
  • Presence at the Slovenian Digital Center (physical and virtual one).

Interested companies, start-ups and developers, business companies, governmental and non-governmental organization, universities, research institutes, economic groupings, experts in the field of society 5.0, digitalization, artificial intelligence, robotics, innovations, HPC, cybersecurity and other innovative technologies, mobility, energetics, digital competences, and other stakeholders are offered various opportunities for cooperation, participation and co-creation of the Digital Center.

Companies and other organizations are especially invited to participate in the Center’s Presentation Part, where different offers for the rental of exhibition spaces will be available, as well as event and digital spaces.

SLOVENIAN DIGITAL CENTER – Technology for people will simultaneously function on the physical location and its virtual dimension. SLOVENIAN DIGITAL CENTER’s physical premises are located in the BTC City Ljubljana, where there will be, in addition to the companies’ and institutions’ presentations, many further events and activities (lectures, training, conferences, workshops, hackathons, business meetings, networking, hosting etc.), while the SLOVENIAN DIGITAL CENTER’s virtual dimension will provide for the international connection.

The cooperation opportunities for companies and organizations:


The SLOVENIAN DIGITAL CENTER will be established on a unique location in the BTC City Ljubljana, which will be used for the display of advanced technological solutions developed by Slovenian and international companies especially focused on the development of the society 5.0, digitalization, robotics and innovations, artificial intelligence, HPC, cybersecurity and other innovative technologies and solutions. Exhibition and presentation spaces will enable the display of solutions/prototypes/products/services in the field of advanced technologies and will be placed in the centre of happening and gathering of the (international) business public, academia, state institutions and other interested public.

INTERESTED COMPANIES – More information on the possibility of participation, rental of exhibition and presentation spaces, and other opportunities of cooperation is available HERE.


The SLOVENIAN DIGITAL CENTER’s Business Part will encourage the connecting of the business community and the organization of business meetings and events. It will be intended for professional and business public and will include presentations of companies/states, networking events, roundtables, workshops, B2B meetings, connecting meeting of companies with start-ups and other events of business nature. The events will be intended for companies and organization that work on local as well as international level. On the local level, we desire to stimulate the bridging of technological and sustainable development concepts, while on the international level, the events will be oriented into the possibilities of interconnecting of domestic and foreign companies as well as into connecting with the States’ representatives.

Apart from the Business Part, the Substantive Part will take place at the Digital Center Exhibition Part encompassing:


A space for innovative ideas development in the field of society 5.0, robotics, energetics, mobility, environment technologies, digitalization, creative industries and advanced technologies and their applicability, will be organized within the Digital Center.


Lectures, training and professional meetings in the fields of the development of digital and advanced technologies, and presentations of technological companies are only some of the activities that will be organized within the six thematic fields: artificial intelligence, industry 4.0, 5G and cybersecurity, sustainable society and economy, smart cities and communities, and digital transformation. The programme with renowned experts in individual fields will facilitate insight into the world of the upcoming advanced technologies and presentation of their usability for constructing a smart future, in which technology enrich people’s lives.


We will organize numerous trainings and workshops for companies, institutions, non-governmental sector, employed, job-seekers, youth and children, which will be open for the general public. The content of these will be oriented into acquiring of knowledge in the fields of new technologies and into strengthening of digital competences.

We invite you to create a successful story with us. For more information, we are available on e-mail

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Sorodne novice

1. julij - 31. december 2021

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